Dueling Tillers
May 3, 2010
Mexican Bean Beetle – Friend or Foe?
May 25, 2010

Organic Gardening Discussion and Demonstration

It is amazing to see the transformation occurring at the Henderson Park Community Garden.  Now that the beds are framed and much of the walkways have been mulched, planting has begun in earnest.

When we submitted the community garden proposal with Dekalb County, one of the requisites for the garden was that it be “organic”.  And since this is the first season at the garden, we want to make every effort to abide by this pledge.

If you are new to organic gardening or gardening in general, please join us at the garden on Saturday May 29th at 9:00 AM for a brief overview of organic gardening and a planting demonstration (transplanting, to be specific).

We will discuss organic fertilizers, organic pest control options and how to plan for a successful garden.  If you are a seasoned gardener, please come out and help your neighbors plant their first garden at Henderson Park.

We look forward to seeing you Saturday!  Please feel free to comment below if there are any questions.
