Please join us in the garden this Saturday 9:00-3:30 as we continue preparing the plots. We plan to continue using the system that worked so well last weekend: marking each row of plots, using Mark’s frame to outline each plot, digging a small trench along each painted outline, and moving the soil to the center for tilling. This weekend we’ll add the last step: the tilling. If you have a tiller, please bring it.
Please bring shovels and spades, remembering to mark your name on them. Our shoestring budget prevents us from providing food or beverages, so please also bring water and snacks for yourself.
If you have any questions on Saturday, please ask our planning committee members. We’ll be the ones wearing our new t-shirts. And, speaking of t-shirts, Marie and Dede are working behind the scenes to make t-shirts available for order from our web site. Plot rental fees and membership donations won’t cover the cost of constructing the garden (see Wish List), but if we were to raise the fees enough to cover construction, they might be cost-prohibitive. Instead, we’re launching a t-shirt FUNdraising campaign.
Two more things: Please save your newspapers. We plan to use newspaper for weed suppression under the mulch on the paths between plots. And please continue to vote for the fruit tree orchard at Our latest vote count was 865. The increased voting security has sure increased our chances of winning.
Thanks to those of you who’ve mailed in your checks and forms. I’m happy to report that the post office box problem has been resolved. If it’s more convenient, though, feel free to bring your check and forms to the garden on Saturday. You can turn them in to any committee member.
Looking forward to seeing you in the garden…